Beach Villas at Koolina has one of the most tropical poolside and water features. It is truly an OASIS! The Koi Pond is hypnotic, you can watch the Koi swimming about moments on end. As you wade in the shallow sand bottom pool you realize that not only the kids can enjoy but so does the adults! It will have a way in making you feel youthful. It is all about the experience, the Hawaiian relaxation where “Hang Loose” is the operative phrase. Therapeutic jacuzzi will make your muscles melt as you look up in the sky and dream happy thoughts….

We are a property managing Real Estate company for several suites here at Beach Villas at Koolina and would love to host your stay.

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Rick 808-688-7538 (text for quick response)

Staff Support 808-859-8858

Japanese language 1-808-429-3163

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